Voir aussi → | Enchenopa binotata | | | Thelia bimaculata | | | Vanduzea arquata |
(certains ouvrages, par leur ampleur, auraient pu être
considérés comme des volumes). Dernière vérification de la validité des liens le 2 février 2025. |
Andrade de, G.S. 1997. Stictocephala alta (Walker, 1851) sp. rev., comb. n., the correct name for the "Buffalo Treehopper", with S. bisonia Kopp & Yonke, 1977 as a new synonym, and notes on Hadrophallus bubalus (Fabricius, 1794) comb. n. (Homoptera: Membracidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 123(4): 289-295. |
Andrade de, G.S. 2008. On the synonymy of Stictocephala alta (Walker) and Thelia constans Walker (Hemiptera: Membracidae). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia. 25(1): 148-149. |
Beirne, B.P. 1961. The Cicadas (Homoptera: Cicadidae) and Treehoppers (Homoptera: Membracidae) of Canada. Agriculture Canada, Scientific Information Section. 63 p. |
Deitz, L.L. & M.S. Wallace. 2012. Richness of the Nearctic Treehopper Fauna (Hemiptera: Aetalionidae and Membracidae). Zootaxa. 3423: 1-26. |
Dietrich, C.H., McKamey, S.H. & L.L Deitz. 2001. Morphology-based phylogeny of the treehopper family Membracidae (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha: Membracoidea). Systematic Entomology. 26: 213-239. |
Funkhouser, W.D. 1915b. Life history of Thelia bimaculata Fab. (Membracidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 8:140-152. |
Funkhouser, W.D. 1915f. Life History of Vanduzea arquata Say (Membracidae). Psyche. 22(6): 183-199. |
Funkhouser, W.D. 1917. Biology of the Membracidae of the Cayuga Lake basin. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station Memoir 11. Thèse de doctorat. 177-145. |
Hamilton, K.G.A. & R.B. Cocroft. 2009. Establishing the identity of existing names in the North American Enchenopa binotata species complex of treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae). Entomological News. 120(5): 554-565. |
Kopp, D.D. & T.R. Yonke. 1973a. The treehoppers of Missouri: Part 1. Subfamilies Centrotinae, Hoplophorioninae, and Membracinae (Homoptera: Membracidae). Journal of Kansas Entomological Society. 46(1): 42-64. |
Kopp, D.D. & T.R. Yonke. 1973b. The treehoppers of Missouri: Part 2. Subfamily Smiliinae; tribes Acutalini, Ceresini, and Polyglyptini (Homoptera: Membracidae). Journal of Kansas Entomological Society. 46(2): 233-276. |
Kopp, D.D. & T.R. Yonke. 1973c. The treehoppers of Missouri: Part 3. Subfamily Smiliinae; tribe Smiliini. Journal of Kansas Entomological Society. 46(3): 375-421. |
Kopp, D.D. & T.R. Yonke. 1974. The treehoppers of Missouri: Part 4. Subfamily Smiliinae; tribe Telamonini (Homoptera: Membracidae). Journal of Kansas Entomological Society. 47(1): 80-130. |
Matausch, I. 1912. Observations on some North American Membracidae in their last nymphal stages. Bulletin American Museum of Natural History. 31: 331-336. |
Pratt, G., & T.K. Wood. 1992. A phylogenetic analysis of the Enchenopa binotata species complex (Homoptera: Membracidae) using nymphal characters. Systematic Entomology. 17:351-357. |
Prud’homme, B., Minervino, C., Hocine, M., Cande, J.D., Aouane, A., Dufour, H.D., Kassner, V.A. & N. Gompel. 2011. Body plan innovation in treehoppers through the evolution of an extra wing-like appendage. Nature. 473: 83-86. |
Quisenberry, S.S., Yonke, T.R. & D.D. Kopp. 1978. Key to the genera of certain immature treehoppers of Missouri with notes on their host plants (Homoptera: Membracidae). Journal of Kansas Entomological Society. 51(1): 109-122. |
Rodríguez, R.L., L.E. Sullivan & R.B. Cocroft. 2004. Vibrational communication and reproductive isolation in the Enchenopa binotata species complex of treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae). Evolution. 58(3): 571-578. |
Strümpel, H. & R. Strümpel. 2014. Revision der amerikanischen Membracidengattung Enchenopa (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadomorpha: Membracidae) mit Beschreibungen neuer Arten. Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg. 17(191): 1-137. |
Wallace, M.S. 2008. Occurrence
of treehoppers
(Hemiptera: Membracidae: Smiliinae) on oaks in Delaware Water Gap
National Recreation Area, 2004–2006. Journal of Insect
8(59): 1-16. Quarante photos couleur de membracides capturés lors de l'étude. Le document est en ligne ici: http://jinsectscience.oxfordjournals.org/content/8/1/59 |
Wood, T.K. 1974. Studies on the function of the Membracid pronotum (Homoptera ). Canadian Entomologist. 106: 143-148. |
Wood, T.K. 1980. Divergence in the Enchenopa binotata Say complex (Homoptera: Membracidae) effected by host plant adaptation. Evolution. 34: 147-160. |
Wood, T.K. 1982. Ant-attended nymphal aggregations in the Enchenopa binotata complex (Homoptera: Membracidae). Entomological Society of America. 75(6): 649-653. |
Wood, T.K. 1993a. Diversity in the New World Membracidae. Annual Review of Entomology. 38: 409-435. |
Wood, T.K. 1993b. Speciation of the Enchenopa binotata complex (Insecta: Homoptera: Membracidae). Chap. 18: 399-317. In Lees, D.R. & D. Edwards, eds. Evolutionary Patterns and Processes. Linnean Society Symposium. |
Wood, T.K. & S.I. Guttman. 1982. Ecological and behavioral basis for reproductive isolation in the sympatric Enchenopa binotata complex (Homoptera: Membracidae). Evolution. 36(2): 233-242. |
Wood, T.K. & S.I. Guttman. 1983. Enchenopa binotata complex: sympatric speciation? Science. 220: 310-312. |
Wood, T.K., K.L. Olmstead & S.I. Guttman. 1990. Insect phenology mediated by host-plant water relations. Evolution. 44(3): 629-636. |
Zink, A.G. 2003. Quantifying the costs and benefits of parental care in female treehoppers. Behavioral Ecology. 14(5): 687-693. |
Dernière vérification de la validité des liens le 2 février 2025. |
BugGuide Plusieurs centaines de photos généralement déterminées par K.G.A. Hamilton, et souvent commentées. https://bugguide.net/node/view/174/bgpage |
a resource on cicadas, leafhoppers, planthoppers, spittlebugs, and
treehoppers Fournit de l'information générale sur les cicadelles, cercopes, cigales, fulgores et membracides, des liens à divers sites, et donne accès à la banque de données des ouvrages publiés entre 1741 et 1955. https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/specialcollections/digital/metcalf/treehoppers.html |
chapelier fou des membracides Excellente vulgarisation en français de l'article de Prud'homme et al. paru dans la revue Nature, à propos du casque des membracides qui serait en fait des ailes modifiées. http://ssaft.com/Blog/dotclear/index.php?post/2011/09/26/Le-chapelier-fou-des-Membracides |
insectes Morphologie, classification, photos, illustrations. http://aramel.free.fr/INSECTES10-8.shtml |
Treehoppers Références bibliographiques et taxinomiques sur les Membracoidea: Aetalionidae, Melizoderidae et Membracidae. http://treehoppers.insectmuseum.org/public/site/treehoppers/home |
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Voir aussi → | Enchenopa binotata | | | Thelia bimaculata | | | Vanduzea arquata |