Voir aussi → | Acanalonia sp. | | | Chloriona sicula | | | Metcalfa pruinosa | | | Scolops sulcipes | | | Derbidae |
(certains ouvrages, par leur ampleur, auraient pu être considérés comme des volumes) |
Barbattini, R. , F. Gazziola, M. Greatti, F. Grillenzoni, S. Marizza & A.G. Sabatini. 2001. Metcalfa pruinosa (Say): biology and honey derived from the honeydew. Proc. 37th Int. Apic. Congr., 28 Oct - 1 Nov 2001, Durban, South Africa. 3p. |
Bartlett, C.R., E.R.
Adams & A.T.
Gonzon Jr. 2011. Planthoppers
of Delaware (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea), excluding Delphacidae, with
species incidence from adjacent States. ZooKeys.
83: 1-42. Plusieurs espèces présentes au Québec. Clé des genres et photos couleurs. |
Beamer, R.H. 1946. The Genus Stenocranus in America North of Mexico (Homoptera-Fulgoridae-Delphacinae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 19(1): 1-11. |
Breakey, E.P. 1928. The Genus Scolops (Homoptera, Fulgoridae). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin. 18(6): 417-455. |
Doering, K.C. 1932. The genus Acanalonia in America north of Mexico (Fulgoridae, Homoptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 25: 758-786. |
Donovall, L.R., III. 2008. A
generic revision of the new
world Dictyopharinae (Hemiptera: Dictyopharidae). Masters
Thesis. University of Delaware. 412 p. Disponible en ligne ici: http://d2vsp3qmody48p.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Donovall-2007.pdf |
Dozier, H.L. 1922. The Fulgoridae or planthoppers of Mississippi, including those of possible occurrence. Technical Bulletin of the Mississippi Agricultural Experiment Station. 14: 1-152. |
Gareau, A. 2013. Liste
annotée des Delphacidae du Québec (Hemiptera : Fulgoroidea).
Entomofaune du Québec inc. 27 p. Le document est disponible ici. |
Guglielmino, A., C. Bückle & R. Remane. 2005. Contribution to the knowledge of the Auchenorrhyncha fauna of Central Italy (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen. 3(3): 13-98. |
Hamilton, K.G.A. 2002b. Homoptera (Insecta) in Pacific Northwest grasslands. Part 1. New and revised taxa of leafhoppers and planthoppers (Cicadellidae and Delphacidae). Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia. 99: 3–31. |
Hamilton, K.G.A. 2006. The planthopper genus Stenocranus in Canada: implications for classification of Delphacidae (Hemiptera). The Canadian Entomologist. 138(4): 493-503. |
Hamilton, K.G.A & Y.J. Kwon. 2010. Chapter 19. Taxonomic supplement to "short-horned" bugs (Homoptera) of the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone. In: D. MacAlpine, (ed.). Assessment of Species Diversity in the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone. NRC Press Biodiversity Monograph Series. 421–431. |
Kramer, J.P. 1981. Taxonomic Study of the Planthopper Genus Cixius in the United States and Mexico (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 107(1/2): 1-68. |
Lucchi, A. 1994. The egg-burster of the Flatid Planthopper Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 96(3): 548-552. |
Lucchi, A. & E. Mazzoni. 2004. Wax production in adults of planthoppers (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) with particular reference to Metcalfa pruinosa (Flatidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 97(6): 1294-1298. |
Lucchi, A. & S.W. Wilson. 2003. Notes on Dryinid Parasitoids of Planthoppers (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae; Hemiptera: Flatidae, Issidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 76(1): 73-75. |
Moore, G.A. 1950. Liste
des Hémiptères de la Province de Québec. Institut de
biologie générale et de zoologie. Université de Montréal. 49 p. Cette liste a aussi paru dans le Naturaliste Canadien numéro 77. |
Paiero, S.M., S.A. Marshall & K.G.A. Hamilton. 2003. New records of Hemiptera from Canada and Ontario. Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario. 134:115-129. |
Scammell, H.B. 1917. Amphiscepa [Acanalonia] Bivittata Say, in its relation to cranberry. Journal of Economic Entomology. 10(6): 552-556. |
Scudder, G.G.E. 1964. Studies on the Canadian and Alaskan Fulgoromorpha (Hemiptera) II. The Genus Megamelus Fieber (Delphacidae). The Canadian Entomologist. 96(6): 813-820. |
Virant-Doberlet, M. & I. Žežlina. 2007. Vibrational Communication of Metcalfa pruinosa (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Flatidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 100(1): 73-82. |
Wheeler, A.G., jr. & I.C. Stocks. 2019. Ceraeochrysa lineaticornis (Fitch) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae): larval plant associations and construction of debris packets from wax of planthoppers (Hemiptera: Flatidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 121(2): 299–310. |
Wilson, S.W. 1982. Description of the fifth instar of Apache degeerii (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Derbidae). The Great Lakes Entomologist. 15(1): 35-36. |
Wilson, S.W. & A. Lucchi. 2007. Feeding activity of the Flatid Planthopper Metcalfa pruinosa (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 80(2): 175-178. |
Wilson, S.W. & J.E. McPherson. 1980. A list of host plants of the Illinois Acanaloniidae and Flatidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 73(4): 21-29. |
Wilson, S.W., & J.E. McPherson. 1980. Mixed species feeding assemblages of planthopper nymphs (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Great Lakes Entomologist. 13(4): 185-187. |
Wilson, S.W. & J.E. McPherson. 1981. Life histories of Acanalonia bivittata and A. conica with descriptions of immature stages. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 74(3): 289-298. |
Dernière vérification de la validité des liens le 6 mai 2024. |
BugGuide Plusieurs centaines de photos généralement déterminées par K.G.A. Hamilton, et souvent commentées. https://bugguide.net/node/view/12744/bgpage |
of North America. Site de C.R. Bartlett et contributeurs, hébergé par l'Université du Delaware. Excellente source d'information sur divers sujets: morphologie (pages interactives efficaces), hôtes, cycle de vie, taxinomie, parasitisme, etc. https://sites.udel.edu/planthoppers/ |
a resource on cicadas, leafhoppers, planthoppers, spittlebugs, and
treehoppers Fournit de l'information générale sur les cicadelles, cercopes, cigales, fulgores et membracides, des liens à divers sites, et donne accès à la banque de données des ouvrages publiés entre 1741 et 1955. https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/specialcollections/digital/metcalf/index.html |
FLOW Le site se décrit de cette façon: « un nomenclateur et un référentiel taxonomique dédié aux Insectes Hémiptères Fulgoromorphes ». La bande déroulante de photos d'espèces spectaculaires vaut le détour. https://flow.hemiptera-databases.org/flow/ |
insectes Morphologie, classification, photos, illustrations. http://aramel.free.fr/INSECTES10-8bis.shtml |
Haut de page | | Introduction | | Photos | | Liste des espèces | | Références |
Voir aussi → | Acanalonia sp. | | | Chloriona sicula | | | Metcalfa pruinosa | | | Scolops sulcipes | | | Derbidae |